Even in the ‘50s/’60s 4th Avenue had a good side and bad side. Maybe it was always so? Ralph Alley and his friend Frank ventured into a bar on the bad end in 1962. Also in this episode — Denali flightseeing, a Hofbrau Halloween and sleeping through the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Bars and bars and more bars! Looking east on 4th Ave. around 1941. Two decades before Ralph lived here, the pattern had been set. Photo from Eleanor Louise Wedge papers.
Same general area, opposite side of the street in 1956. Photo from AMRC, Ward Wells Collection.
The last days of the Scandinavian Club Bar [1984]. Rear view from the alley between 4th and 5th, just east of C St. looking north. Just before the bar and the rest of the block were razed for the 5th Ave. Mall parking garage. Photo from Sam McClain papers.
President Eisenhower hurtles down 5th Ave. in 1960. Loussac Sogn Building that included the offices of Manley & Mayer Architects on the right. Photo from Jim Ruotsala photographs.
Denali view from near the Eielson Visitors Center inside the park. Unknown vintage, guessing 1970s. Photo from Francis J. Huber slides.